EMS Board
June 1, 2021
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Via Zoom Meetings
ZOOM Link: https://dhswi.zoom.us/j/84710743132?pwd=bUhubzRvTXBrbDE5K0JkYmZZR2FYdz09
Dial In: 312-626-6799 Passcode: 232739
Dial in number is the same for all meetings (except EMS-C), use passcode listed for each meeting
1. Welcome and Board Member Check-in
2. Call the EMS Board Meeting to Order
3. Board Member announcement(s) and review of committee meeting logistics with Standing Committee Workgroup Sessions meeting immediately after in the respective assigned rooms.
4. Standing EMS Committee - System Quality & Data (Chris Eberlein, Chair)
Zoom: Same as above
a. Roll Call of Committee Members & Introductions:
b. Approval of Previous Committee Meeting Minutes:
c. Public comment opportunity to Committee (2 minutes per attendee unless pre-authorized by Chair):
d. Data review: Overview of EMS call volumes Opiate, Mental Health, COVID, Trauma, STEMI, Stroke. Run time comparison and unit utilization over time. Impact of COVID19 on all volume discussion. Narcan and Ventilatory pre-arrival data/discussion. PTA fields in Wards for Narcan update.
e. Workforce survey collection on EMS provider burnout upcoming by DHS and WTCS: Office will update committee as data is available from survey. (NO REPORT)
f. Biospatial Update: (Laura Albert):
g. Public Information Discussion (Eberlein): Opiate, Narcan, Trauma, Stroke and STEMI data. Mental health transports. COVID19 updates on Dashboard discussion.
h. Data Collection and Sharing:
a. Interoperability Solutions (Monahan): Update on legal framework and HIPPA laws. Discussion on improving understanding of importance for hospitals and demonstrate Value. Will evaluate HIPPA laws.
i. WARDS Update, Compliance, and discussion (Brown, Schultz): Review Validation rules as a needed for Office. Image trend improvement discussion. Review state medication lists, procedure lists, PMH, allergies, meds. Update for change of scope reflection in WARDS.
j. CQI Project update (Brown, Rybczyk): Subcommittee meeting updates and benchmarks.
k. PDMP: Update on flow of date from WARDS to PDMP.
l. CARES WISCONSIN update (Office/Zils/Altenhofen)
m. Cardiac Arrest Registry Funding update (Office):
n. Review State of Wisconsin/National EMS plan (Eberlein):
o. Adjourn
5. Standing EMS Committee – System Management & Development (Dr. Clark/Chair)
Zoom: https://dhswi.zoom.us/j/86537644076?pwd=SWtUa2dMYktoK1lOVkhVU1dBVSt3Zz09
Passcode: 374348
a. Roll Call of Committee Members/Introduction of New Committee Members
b. Approval of March Committee Meeting Minutes
c. COVID-19 Response
i. Discuss with possible Committee recommendation ongoing issues/gaps/best practices of COVID response
d. Presentation by Behnke and Goodland on Patient Tracking Workgroup followed by discussion with possible Committee recommendation (Clark)
e. Discuss with possible Committee recommendation related to EMS-Hospital Diversions (Clark)
i. Draft position statement sent to WHA, ACEP-WI and NAEMSP-WI for feedback
f. Update related to Statewide Protocols Project (Colella)
g. Status Update from EMS Office:
i. Posting of Committee work product: Onboarding Best Practices
ii. Trans 309 Subchapter III—Medical Equipment Standards and Trans 309.25 Repeal of Subchapter III
h. Update Pre-Arrival Instructions and PSAP (Office/?)
i. Discuss with possible Committee recommendation PAC development of Medication Classes for Scope of Practice (Zils/Clark)
j. Discuss with possible Committee recommendations on STEMI, Stroke, Trauma Destination Position Statements (Zils/Clark)
k. Discuss and develop future business items
i. Discuss with possible Committee recommendation related to Non-Emergent EMS Transports Issues in Wisconsin (Romenesko)-Tabled until new Medicaid contract is in place
ii. Update from Critical Care/Interfacility Transport Guidelines (Clark) -Tabled due to COVID-19 response
iii. Discuss with possible Committee recommendation related to Provider Recruitment/Retention Workgroup in regard to state sponsored PR/marketing/social media (Bantes)
l. Adjourn Committee
12:00-1:00 Lunch (Approximately)
(A quorum of Board members may be present; However, Board business
will not be discussed or conducted at this time.)
6. Standing EMS Committee – Physician’s Advisory Committee (PAC) (Dr. Steven Zils/Chair)
Zoom: https://dhswi.zoom.us/j/84323286655?pwd=TTlweGtJZ1lCM21DMFMvZzkyR1BlZz09
Passcode: 470211
a. Roll Call of Committee Members (Zils)
b. Approval of previous Committee Meeting Minutes
c. Public comment opportunity to Committee (2 minutes per attendee unless pre-authorized by Chair)
d. Discussion, review and possible action on Community EMS and Community Paramedic Curriculum and Scope of Practice (Colella/Zils)
e. Discussion, review and possible action on Stroke, STEMI and Trauma Position transport documents (Zils/Clark)
f. Discussion, review and possible action on Advanced Practice Providers and role in assisting in medical direction (Zils)
g. Discussion, review and possible action on classification of medications (Kronenfeld)
h. Discussion, review and possible action on State Protocols (Colella)
i. Discussion, review and possible action on TEMS Scope of Practice (Bates)
j. Discussion, review and possible action on report from EMS Office regarding use of controlled substances by non-paramedic agencies (Bates)
k. Discussion, review and possible action on EMT, AEMT, Paramedic scope of practice (Zils)
l. Discuss and develop future new business
m. Adjourn Committee
7. EMS for Children Meeting with the EMS Board (Dr. Kim/Dr. Browne/Chair)
Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/5751225490 - Dial in: 646-876-9923
Passcode: 6654
a. Roll call of Committee members (Browne, Kim)
b. Approval of Committee meeting minutes (Browne, Kim)
c. Public comment opportunity to committee (Browne, Kim)
d. Presentation from Children’s Health Alliance Staff (Browne, Kim)
e. COVID-19 MIS-C documents (Browne, Kim)
f. EMSC Performance Measure Survey (Browne, Kim)
g. Discuss Pediatric Readiness activities (Browne, Kim)
h. Discuss education and outreach (Browne, Kim)
i. Discuss Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator updates (Selwitschka, Browne, Kim)
j. Discuss emergency planning for children with special healthcare needs (Farrell)
k. Discuss EIIC Telehealth Collaborative (Farrell)
l. Discuss opportunities for pediatric safe transport (Browne, Kim)
m. Pediatric Champion and EMS Week
n. Discuss Wis Stat 154 – DNR
o. Discuss and develop future new business (Browne, Kim)
p. Adjourn committee
8. Standing EMS Committee – Education & Training (Brian Litza/Chair)
Zoom: https://dhswi.zoom.us/j/86403157382?pwd=ZlJ6R3RhTW9KL09SNTZ4dE5vTXRUQT09
Passcode: 349648
a. Roll Call of Committee Members & Introduction of New Committee Members
b. Approval of previous Committee Meeting Minutes
c. Public comment opportunity to Committee (2 minutes per attendee unless pre-authorized by Chair)
d. Welcome and introductions.
e. Approve the minutes from the March 2021 meeting.
f. Updates and Discussion from/with the WTCS (Tim Weir).
g. Updates and Discussion from/with the EMS Training Center Advisory Council (Rick Anderson).
h. Updates and Discussion from/with the WI EMS Office on EMS Education and Training (Helen Pullen).
i. Curricula Update/Discussion
j. Scope of Practice Project (New)
k. NREMT Exam Scores - National/State/Local
l. Education Equity and Inclusion
m. Discuss and develop future new business
n. Adjourn Committee
9. Recess Board Meeting until 09:00 on June 02, 2020
(Technical Note: Should time not allow for all Committee agenda items assigned to 06/01/2021, the EMS Board may address them on 06/02/2021 during committee reports.)
The purpose of this meeting is to conduct the governmental business outlined in the Agenda. The EMS Board makes recommendations to DHS on general EMS issues either assigned by legislation or raised by members of the public. Medical issues are referred to the Physician Advisory Committee. EMS Board and Physician Advisory Committee are established pursuant to s. 256.04, Wis. Stats.
DHS is an equal opportunity employer and service provider. If you need accommodations because of a disability, if you need an interpreter or translator, or if you need this material in another language or in alternate format, you may request assistance to participate by contacting Amanda Bates at 608-261-6870 or Amanda.Bates@dhs.wisconsin.gov.
Reasonable accommodations, including the provision of informational material in an alternative format, will be provided for qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. This agency, to the maximum extent possible, holds all meetings in facilities that are physically accessible to persons with disabilities. For questions about accessibility, contact the meeting's sponsoring division.