Notice of Open and Closed Session Meeting Wisconsin Ethics Commission Room 300 Southeast, Wisconsin State Capitol Madison, Wisconsin Thursday January 11, 2018, 9:30a.m. Open Session Agenda A. Call to Order B. Report of Appropriate Meeting Notice – Administrator C. Minutes of December 5, 2017 Open Session Meeting D. Minutes of December 8, 2017 Open Session Meeting E. Minutes of December 22, 2017 Open Session Meeting F. Personal Appearances G. Commission Determination Regarding Confidence in the Performance of Administrator Bell H. Discussion Regarding Confirmation Hearing for Administrator Bell I. Draft Guidelines 1. Joint Fundraisers 2. Strictly Personal Use Under Campaign Finance Law 3. The 50-Piece Rule 4. Attribution Statements (Political Disclaimers) 5. Social Media and Other Electronic Communications 6. Segregated Funds 7. 1258 – Referenda (Revised) J. Review of Lobbying-Related Opinions of Previous Boards K. Closed Session 1. Complaints and Investigations 2. Requests for Advice 3. Litigation Update L. Standard Settlement Schedules for Lobbying Without Authorization M. Audit of Lobbying Without Authorization Supplemental N. Staff Report O. Consideration of Future Agenda Items (Open Session) P. Adjourn The Ethics Commission will convene in open session but may move to closed session under WIS. STAT. § 19.85(1)(g), (h), or WIS. STAT. § 19.851. This notice is to inform the public that the Commission intends to convene in open session, but may move to closed session. The Commission plans to return to open session to adjourn following that closed session, as outlined in the above agenda. WIS. STAT. § 19.85(2). WIS. STAT. §§ 19.50 & 19.55(3) No employee of the Commission may disclose information related to an investigation or prosecution under ch. 11, subchapter III of ch. 13, or ch. 19. WIS. STAT. § 19.85(1) Any meeting of a governmental body, upon motion duly made and carried, may be convened in closed session under one or more of the exemptions provided in this section. The motion shall be carried by a majority vote in such manner that the vote of each member is ascertained and recorded in the minutes. No motion to convene in closed session may be adopted unless the chief presiding officer announces to those present at the meeting at which such motion is made, the nature of the business to be considered at such closed session, and the specific exemption or exemptions under this subsection by which such closed session is claimed to be authorized. Such announcement shall become part of the record of the meeting. No business may be taken up at any closed session except that which relates to matters contained in the chief presiding officer's announcement of the closed session. A closed session may be held for any of the following purposes: (c) Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. (g) Conferring with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved. (h) The Commission’s deliberations on requests for advice under the ethics code, lobbying law, and campaign finance law shall be in closed session. WIS. STAT. § 19.851(2) The commission shall hold each meeting of the commission for the purpose of deliberating concerning an investigation of any violation of the law under the jurisdiction of the commission in closed session under this section.
Reasonable accommodations, including the provision of informational material in an alternative format, will be provided for qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. This agency, to the maximum extent possible, holds all meetings in facilities that are physically accessible to persons with disabilities. For questions about accessibility, contact the meeting's sponsoring division.