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Wisconsin Public Meeting Notices & Minutes

Wisconsin has a rich tradition of open and transparent government. My administration is committed to making government more accessible to you, the citizens of Wisconsin. The goal of this website is to be a centralized location for state agencies to post open meeting notices and meeting minutes in an effort to increase state government transparency.

Public Notices

State Council on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse

06/05/2020 09:30 AM - 06 /05/2020 12:30 PM

Meeting URL: Phone one-tap: US: +16465588656,,91263061405# or +13017158592,,91263061405#, N/A, WI- 53703


Agency: Department of Health Services
Contact: Michael Derr

State Council on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse 1 West Wilson Street, P.O. Box 7851 Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7851 OPEN MEETING NOTICE June 5, 2020, 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 912 6306 1405 Meeting URL: [] Phone one-tap: US: +16465588656,,91263061405# or +13017158592,,91263061405# MEETING AGENDA 1. Welcome and introductions Roger Frings, SCAODA Chairperson 2. Approval of December 13, 2019 meeting minutes……………………………………………p.5-13 3. Public input SCAODA Chairperson 4. Provider Updates on Services & Challenges during COVID-19……..Council Members & Guests 5. Committee reports: • Executive Committee…………………………………......………... Roger Frings... p.14-17 • Diversity Committee…………………………………………….……....Thai Vue... p.18-19 • Intervention & Treatment Committee………………………….......Roger Frings..... p. 20-34  Motion: SUD professionals assessing and treating tobacco use disorders (p.31) • Planning and Funding Committee……………………...……….Christine Ullstrup... p.35-46  Motion: DHS to consider practices for ensuring payments to non-profit grant. recipients when awaiting completion of new contracts (p. 46) • Prevention Committee Chris Wardlow… p.47-58  Motion: Request clarification of the statutes authorizing opioid antagonist prescribing, and regarding intent of Good Samaritan Law (p.57)  Motion: Create an Alcohol Prevention Ad Hoc Workgroup that would develop a recommendation report and a public health response to issues related to alcohol use. (p.58) 6. Brief Recess 7. 2019 Synar Survey Report and Federal Changes to Synar Requirements ………………………………Nancy Michaud, DHS, Division of Public Health. ….p.59-108 8. Agency reports: • Governor’s Office Jessica Geschke • Department of Health Services……………………..…..…….….Julie Willems Van Dijk • Department of Safety & Professional Services Christian Albouras • Department of Revenue Ann DeGarmo • Department of Public Instruction Brian Dean • Department of Veterans Affairs Colleen Rinken • Department of Justice Tina Virgil • Other Agencies…………………………………………………………………………….. 9. Bureau of Prevention, Treatment and Recovery Update……….....Joyce Allen, DHS.... p.109-111 10. Report from Wisconsin Council on Mental Health Ryan Stachoviak 11. Agenda Items for Next Meetings Council Members 12. Meeting Adjournment………………………………………………………..….Council Members The purpose of this meeting is to conduct the governmental business outlined in the above agenda. The Council’s primary function is providing leadership in Wisconsin on substance use disorder (SUD) issues, advising Wisconsin state agencies on SUD prevention, treatment and recovery activities, and coordinating SUD planning and funding initiatives across state agencies. The Bureau of Prevention Treatment and Recovery within DHS staffs the Council. DHS is an equal opportunity employer and service provider. If you need accommodations because of a disability, need an interpreter or translator, or need this material in another language or format, you may request assistance to participate by contacting Mike Derr at 608-852-6403 or See also [] for instructions on joining by phone or Zoom.

Americans with Disabilities Act Statement

Reasonable accommodations, including the provision of informational material in an alternative format, will be provided for qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. This agency, to the maximum extent possible, holds all meetings in facilities that are physically accessible to persons with disabilities.  For questions about accessibility, contact the meeting's sponsoring division.