Elected Committee of Blind Vendors (ECBV)
05/14/2024 12:30 PM - 05 /14/2024 03:30 PM
Virtual Meeting via Zoom, Madison, WI- 53703
Agency: Department of Workforce Development
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- 12:30 PM Call to order
- ECBV Topics
- April 2024 ECBV monthly meeting minutes review and approval
- BEP Financial Report review and approval
- DWD statement of conduct expectations
- DWD announcement of review of RSVW records
- RSVW outstanding bills
- Nominee Agency procurement update
- Third-party Vending procurement update
- ECBV election update
- ECBV By-law update discussion
- Active participation and vote on the possible decommissioning of four BEP Madison locations
- Active participation and vote on funding source for AVS installation of new card readers replacing the missing card readers
- Micro Market training recommendations from NABM discussion
- BEP vending locations put out for bid in April update
- Sub-committee updates:
- Equipment-Janet Dickey
- Bid Process-Lee Young
- Set Aside-Theresa Taylor/Terry Campbell
- Grievance status update
- 2:00 PM Public comment-15 Minutes The ECBV Chair may choose to take public comment other times on the agenda.
- State Licensing Agency (SLA) Topics
- SLA staff update
- SLA updates on RSVW requests for audit, profit and loss statements, other requested items, and steps being taken moving forward
- DWD 60 update
- RSA Visit update
- BEP vending location reports including, openings, assignments, and miscellaneous
- Potential new operator and recruitment report
- BEP program goals, budget development discussion, and priority
- Past due set-aside and DOT rent report
- Nominee Agency Topics
- Nominee agency monthly report
- Update on DWD record review request and status of outstanding information requests
- 3:30 PM Adjourn
Future Meeting Date: June 11, 2024
- Public Comment may be limited to the timeframe identified on the agenda.
- The Committee may take up action items at a time other than that listed.
- The Committee may not address all agenda items or follow the agenda order.
- The Committee members may attend the meeting by telephone or virtually.
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