Wisconsin Public Meeting Notices & Minutes

Wisconsin has a rich tradition of open and transparent government. My administration is committed to making government more accessible to you, the citizens of Wisconsin. The goal of this website is to be a centralized location for state agencies to post open meeting notices and meeting minutes in an effort to increase state government transparency.

Public Notices

Meeting Documents

Worker's Compensation Advisory Council (WCAC)

11/10/2020 10:00 AM - 11 /10/2020 12:00 PM

WebEx Teleconference, Madison, WI- 53703


Agency: Department of Workforce Development
Contact: Pati Brown

The Worker's Compensation Advisory Council has scheduled a public hearing to gather input on possible statute and rule changes to the Wisconsin Worker's Compensation Act. Participate in this 2020 public hearing, conducted by teleconference and WebEx web conferencing technology. Registration is required. After you register for the public hearing, you'll receive a confirmation email message with instructions on how to join the event. An optional connection test opportunity will be available for those who would like to test their equipment in advance of this hearing. A separate registration is required (see below). Hearing Date, Time & Registration: Tuesday, November 10, 2020 10:00 a.m. to Noon Location: Department of Workforce Development, Worker's Compensation Division by Teleconference/WebEx Registration: [https://dwdwi.webex.com/dwdwi/onstage/g.php?MTID=edbaf16fe8034a01468b4a336d9865c78] Submit Comments: The public is invited to provide comments. If you cannot participate in the public hearing, you may submit your comments no later than December 11, 2020: Email: WCAdvisoryCouncil@dwd.wisconsin.gov Written comments may be mailed to: Steve Peters, Chair Worker's Compensation Advisory Council P.O. Box 7901 Madison, WI 53707-7901 Optional Connection Test Date and Time: An opportunity to perform a brief connection test will be available. Though not required for the public meeting, please feel free to test your connection and then exit. There will be no public business discussed or conducted during this connection test. Wednesday, November 4, 2020 Anytime between 11:00 a.m. to Noon Location: Department of Workforce Development, Worker's Compensation Division by Teleconference/WebEx Registration: [https://dwdwi.webex.com/dwdwi/onstage/g.php?MTID=e1ed96170cac918f938f8068daab20e89]

Americans with Disabilities Act Statement

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