Wisconsin Public Meeting Notices & Minutes

Wisconsin has a rich tradition of open and transparent government. My administration is committed to making government more accessible to you, the citizens of Wisconsin. The goal of this website is to be a centralized location for state agencies to post open meeting notices and meeting minutes in an effort to increase state government transparency.

Public Notices

Meeting Documents

Wisconsin Apprenticeship Advisory Council

05/21/2019 10:00 AM - 05 /21/2019 03:00 PM

6310 Town Center Dr, Madison, WI- 53718-6905


Agency: Department of Workforce Development
Contact: Owen Smith

WISCONSIN APPRENTICESHIP ADVISORY COUNCIL Tuesday, May 21, 2019 10:00 AM—3:00 PM Madison Area Steamfitters Training Center 6310 Town Center Dr Madison, WI 53718 AGENDA 1. Call to Order Remarks/Announcements 2. Action: Review and approve minutes of February 5, 2019 3. Topic: A Three-Year Perspective on the Growth of the Arborist Registered Apprenticeship Mr. Randy Krouse, Urban Forestry District Manager, City of Milwaukee Co-Chair, State Arborist Apprenticeship Advisory Council 4. Update-State Apprenticeship Council Alliance-Terry Hayden 5. Wisconsin Pre-Apprenticeship Readiness Programs Action: Certified Pre-apprenticeship Programs Approvals • Findley Corporation o ASAP Pre-Apprenticeship Training Program • Manufacturing Works o Welding Pre-Apprenticeship • Sheboygan Area YA Consortium o Manufacturing • WI Department of Corrections o CNC Pre-Apprenticeship Review and approve-Certified Pre-Apprenticeship Monitoring Guide Review and discussion new materials from State of Oregon (Certified Pre-apprenticeship). Any needed updates to the current Wisconsin plan? 6. Implementation of DWD 296 Policy & Standards Sub-Committee Action Items-Status Report attached The Policy & Standards Sub-Committee is recommending various forms/policies/activities related to the implementation of DWD 296. Sponsor Outreach and Education-Discussion 7. WTCS Update-Chrystal Seeley-Schreck 8. BAS Update a) Youth Apprenticeship Update-Cathy Crary b) 27th Biennial Conference-Final Report c) Grants-Update • American Apprenticeship Grant-Karen Morgan • State Expansion Grants d) New Grant Opportunity e) Apprenticeship Day at the Capitol 9. Next Meeting date Adjourn

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