Wisconsin Public Meeting Notices & Minutes

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Public Notices

EMS Board – Day 1 Subcommittees

09/17/2024 09:00 AM - 09 /17/2024 05:00 PM

Department of Health Services, 1 West Wilson Street, Room B370, Madison, WI- 53703


Agency: Department of Health Services
Contact: Mark Mandler

EMS Board – Day 1 Subcommittees
September 17, 2024
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
In Person at: DHS, 1 West Wilson Street, Room B370, Madison, WI, 53703
ZOOM Link: https://dhswi.zoomgov.com/j/1618252618?pwd=WEVCMnJ3VmdJTHNsTlZ5K21GWE90dz09
Call In: 669-254-5252. Meeting ID: 161 825 2618, Passcode: 475277
NOTE: Meeting start and end times are approximations. The meeting will be continuous with built-in breaks where applicable.
1. Welcome and Board Member Check-in (Biggart)
2. Call the EMS Board Meeting to Order (Biggart)
3. Board Member announcement(s) and review of committee meeting logistics. Committee meetings will occur in succession, in the order listed below, with a 10-minute break between Standing Committee Workgroup Sessions. Approximate start and end times are provided for reference. Nonetheless, the meetings will continue in succession, and breaks will be taken between each meeting. (Anderson)
4. EMS for Children Meeting with the EMS Board (Dr. Kim/Dr. Browne/Chair) – Via Zoom @ 09:00-10:15
Note: EMS-C may continue their meeting in a breakout room for items specific to EMS-C where immediate Board feedback is unnecessary.
a. Roll Call of Committee members (Browne, Kim)
b. Approval of Committee meeting minutes (Browne, Kim)
c. Public comment opportunity to Committee (2 minutes per attendee unless pre-authorized by Chair)
d. Discuss pre-hospital-based EMSC Performance Measure, states have a standardized pediatric readiness recognition program for prehospital EMS agencies (Browne, Kim)
e. Discuss pre-hospital-based EMSC Performance Measure, increase the proportion of Wisconsin EMS agencies that have a designated individual responsible for coordinating pediatric emergency care (PECC) (Kim, Browne)
f. Discuss pre-hospital-based EMSC Performance Measure, increase the proportion of Wisconsin EMS agencies that have a process for pediatric skills-check on the use of pediatric equipment (Kim, Browne)
g. Discuss pre-hospital-based EMSC Performance Measure, increase the proportion of Wisconsin EMS agencies that have disaster plans that address the needs of children (Browne, Kim)
h. Prehospital Pediatric Readiness Project (PPRP) (Kim, Browne)
i. Discuss quality improvement initiatives and additional projects (Kim)
j. Discuss and develop future new business items (Browne, Kim)
k. Adjourn committee (Browne, Kim)
5. Standing EMS Committee - System Quality & Data (Dr. Chris Eberlein, Chair) @ Approximately 10:20
a. Roll Call and Introduction of Committee Members
b. Approval of Previous Committee Meeting Minutes
c. Public comment opportunity to Committee (2 minutes per attendee unless pre-authorized by Chair)
d. WARDS: updates and general discussion (Dolski formerly Rybczyk):
e. Data goals/benchmarks discussion (Dolski formerly Rybczyk)
f. Data review:(Koehne) General overview of EMS data including Biospatial and public information.
g. Pediatric specific data discussion (Kim)
h. CARES WISCONSIN update: (Office)
i. Discuss and develop future new business items (Eberlein)
j. Adjourn
6. Standing EMS Committee – Education & Training (Greg West/Chair) @ 11:10
a. Roll Call and Introduction of Committee Members
b. Approval of Previous Committee Meeting Minutes
c. Public comment opportunity to Committee (2 minutes per attendee unless pre-authorized by Chair)
d. Discussion and possible action regarding the recommendation from the EMS Board Special Education Subcommittee.
e. Discuss and develop future new business items
f. Adjourn
12:00-13:15 (Approximately) Lunch on your own (immediately following the Education & Training
Meeting). A quorum of Board members may be present. However, Board business will not be discussed or conducted at this time. (Anderson)
7. Standing EMS Committee – System Management & Development (Chris Anderson, Chair) @13:15
a. Roll Call and Introduction of Committee Members
b. Approval of Previous Committee Meeting Minutes
c. Public comment opportunity to Committee (2 minutes per attendee unless pre-authorized by Chair)
d. Office Update Items
i. Status report on State EMS MCI Plan
ii. EMS Surge (Inter-Facility, Pandemic, Mass Sheltering) Workgroup led by OPEHC;
e. Update from Inter-Facility Transport Workgroup with NAEMSP-WI, WI ACEP, other stakeholders (Clark)
f. Update on the committee’s progress to revise and update the Trans 309 administrative rule.
i. Discuss items for which there may be an immediate need to request a variance from specific sections of Trans 309.
ii. Variance request for rear radio requirement approved by DOT. Letter to be carried in vehicle if taking advantage of the variance.
iii. Continuing discussion with DOT.
g. Discuss ongoing hospital closures and their impact on transport times.
h. Discuss and develop future new business items
i. Adjourn
8. Standing EMS Committee – Physician’s Advisory Committee (PAC) (Dr. Steven Zils/Chair) @ 14:45
a. Roll Call and Introduction of Committee Members
b. Approval of Previous Committee Meeting Minutes
c. Public comment opportunity to Committee (2 minutes per attendee unless pre-authorized by Chair)
d. EMS Office Report (Mandler)
i. Update on online scope of practice change request form
1. Check box and contact info for medical director approval
2. Check box for actual or perceived conflict of interest
e. State EMS Medical Director Report (Colella)
i. Update on EMS Medical Director Course
1. Status of MCW in person FOMO course
2. Status of State portion on WiTrain
3. Status of request to draft letter to medical and service directors re: course
f. Discussion, review and possible action on EMR, EMT, AEMT, Intermediate, Paramedic scope of practice (Zils) (standing item)
i. Antibiotics for Open Fractures (Clark)
1. Update from STAC meeting
ii. Finger Thoracostomy optional for PARA
1. Action items from prior meeting:
a. Does the EMS Office have the ability to approve or deny an optional skill for an agency? If not, what would need to be done to facilitate that.
b. PAC requests EMS Office to discuss what the framework is regarding developing and implementing a pilot program and research project that includes interventions that are outside scope.
iii. Keppra use as optional at paramedic level (Schultz)
g. Discuss, review and possible action on State Protocols (Colella) (standing item)
h. Discuss and develop future new business items
i. Adjourn
9. Recess Board Meeting until 09:00 on September 18, 2024
(Technical Note: Should time not allow for all Committee agenda items assigned to 09/17/2024, the EMS Board may address them on 09/18/2024 during committee reports.)
The purpose of this meeting is to conduct the governmental business outlined in the agenda. The EMS Board makes recommendations to DHS on general EMS issues either assigned by legislation or raised by members of the public. Medical issues are referred to the Physician Advisory Committee. EMS Board and Physician Advisory Committee are established pursuant to s. 256.04, Wis. Stats.
DHS is an equal opportunity employer and service provider. If you need accommodations because of a disability, if you need an interpreter or translator, or if you need this material in another language or in alternate format, you may request assistance to participate by contacting Mark Mandler at 608-266-8853 or Mark.Mandler@dhs.wisconsin.gov

Americans with Disabilities Act Statement

Reasonable accommodations, including the provision of informational material in an alternative format, will be provided for qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. This agency, to the maximum extent possible, holds all meetings in facilities that are physically accessible to persons with disabilities.  For questions about accessibility, contact the meeting's sponsoring division.