Medicaid Advisory Committee (MAC)
Wednesday, January 5, 2022
Webinar ID: 161 426 4416
Or via phone:
(669) 254 5252 or (646) 828 7666 or (551) 285 1373 or (669) 216 1590
Webinar ID: 161 426 4416
9:00 AM Meeting Call to Order
Dr. Veronica Gunn, Genesis Health Consulting, Chairperson
9:30 AM Introduction
Lisa Olson, DHS, Medicaid Director, Administrator, Division of Medicaid Services
Director Olson will introduce herself to the MAC and will share her perspectives on working with the MAC going forward.
9:40 AM Equity Discussion
MAC members will share insights on the following questions, in facilitated discussion format:
10:20 AM Break
10:30 AM Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS)
Curtis Cunningham, DHS, Assistant Administrator of Long Term Care Benefits and Programs
Division staff will provide an overview of initiatives within home and community-based services.
11:00 AM Key Division Updates (Time Permitting)
Lisa Olson, DHS, Medicaid Director, Administrator, Division of Medicaid Services
11:10 AM Receive Public Comment on Medicaid Equity Discussion
Due to time considerations, oral testimony will be limited to three (3) minutes per person. Your microphone will be muted after three (3) minutes. If you would like to offer a comment during this period, please identify yourself in the Q&A function at the bottom of the window in Zoom. If there are no public comments, the committee will move on to the next agenda item.
11:25 AM Wrap Up
Dr. Veronica Gunn, Genesis Health Consulting, Chairperson
11:30 AM Adjourn
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