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12:30 PM Call to order
Roll call
ECBV topics
Approval of minutes-previous meeting
Review and approval of BEP financial report
Review and discussion of RSVW contract
RFP/competitive bid for Nominee Agency contract
Sub-committee updates:
Equipment-Janet Dickey
Bid process-Lee Young
Discussion of set aside calculation
Conflict of interest RSVW/ECBV
Grievance update
2:00 PM Public comment-15 Minutes The ECBV Chair may choose to take public comment other times on the agenda.
State Licensing Agency topics
Location Bid report, openings, assignments, etc.
Procurement updates-Status and progress BEP program specific
Potential New Operator and Recruitment report
Nominee Agency topics
Monthly activity reports-Repairs/Replacement
3:30 PM Adjourn
Future Meeting Date: February 13, 2023
• Public Comment may be limited to the timeframe identified on the agenda.
• The Committee may take up action items at a time other than that listed.
• The Committee may not address all agenda items or follow the agenda order.
• The Committee members may attend the meeting by telephone or virtually.
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