Virtual Meeting via WebEx
To view and listen to the meeting, click on the Register link below.
After registering, a link to join will be sent to you.
When you register, you will be required to indicate whether you intend to provide public comment at the meeting and/or in writing. Written comments should be submitted to prior to January 25, 2021.
9:00 Welcome from Assistant Deputy Secretary Danielle Williams
Status updates from ongoing projects
Outreach Project - Jesus Villa, Division Administrator, ERD
Interagency Investigations –Maria Guerra Lapacek, Assistant Deputy Secretary, DOR
Status updates from Workgroups
Workers Compensation Premium Fraud (Avoidance) – Steve Peters, Division Administrator, WC
Upstream Liability – Mark Reihl, Division Administrator, UI
9:30 Public Comment – The public is invited to provide comment to the taskforce related to worker misclassification and payroll fraud. The public
is required to register and will be called upon by the moderator.
Following public comment, the Taskforce will continue its discussions if time allows.
For press inquiries, including interview requests, please contact the DWD Communications Office:
Media Line – 608-266-2722 or E-Mail –
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