Policy & Standards Subcommittee of the Wisconsin Apprenticeship Advisory Council
03/23/2023 09:00 AM - 03 /23/2023 12:00 PM
201 East Washington Avenue, Madison, WI- 53703
Agency: Department of Workforce Development
Attend the meeting virtually
Attend via phone only
+1 608-571-2209; 711 704 393#
Attend in person
Department of Workforce Development, Room F105
201 E. Washington Ave,
Madison, 53703
- BAS will call the meeting to order.
- Record attendees.
- Action: approve the minutes for the prior meeting.
- Review proposed alignment of the revised Wisconsin Apprenticeship Manual and BAS template for state standards
- Objectives
- BAS analysis of the current template for state standards
- BAS proposed template for state standards
- Determine whether additional specific policies are for state or local templates.
- Public comment (open to all attendees that are not BAS-appointed members of the subcommittee)
- Action: approve final template for state standards
- Next steps
- Adjourn
Americans with Disabilities Act Statement
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