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Wisconsin Public Meeting Notices & Minutes

Wisconsin has a rich tradition of open and transparent government. My administration is committed to making government more accessible to you, the citizens of Wisconsin. The goal of this website is to be a centralized location for state agencies to post open meeting notices and meeting minutes in an effort to increase state government transparency.

Public Notices

Policy & Standards Subcommittee of the Wisconsin Apprenticeship Advisory Council

06/12/2023 01:00 PM - 06 /12/2023 02:00 PM

Virtual Meeting via Microsoft Teams, Madison, WI- 53703


Agency: Department of Workforce Development
Contact: Owen Smith
(608) 733-3928

Attend the meeting virtually.


Or attend via phone only:
+1 608-571-2209; 332 126 223#


Each item will be discussed in the following order: subcommittee discussion; public comment; and subcommittee action, if needed.




  1. BAS will call the meeting to order.
  2. Record and introduce attendees.
  3. For action: approve the minutes of the previous meeting.
  4. Discuss standardized verbiage from BAS and DWD for the following categories of policies:
    1. Minimum qualifications for applicants.
    2. Minimum qualifications for employers.
    3. Requirements for supervision
  5. Discuss modifications from BAS and DWD to the template for state standards:
    1. In Section One, for licensed occupations, add "Licensed occupations (Manual, Chapter 2.2)."
    2. In Section Two, combine "Requirements for Completion" and "Requirements Unique to the Occupation" into "Additional Requirements."
    3. Add crosswalk between Statute, State Standards, and Local Standards.
  6. Discuss next steps
    1. Implementing revised template for state standards
    2. Implementing revised template for local standards
  7. Adjourn

Americans with Disabilities Act Statement

DWD is an equal opportunity employer and service provider.  If you have a disability and need assistance with this information, please dial 7-1-1 for Wisconsin Relay Service. Please call (608) 267-4411 to request information in an alternate format, including translated to another language.