Wisconsin Public Meeting Notices & Minutes

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Public Notices

Meeting Documents

EMS Advisory Board – Day 1

06/14/2022 09:00 AM - 06 /14/2022 05:00 PM

1 West Wilson Street, Room 751 or Zoom link below, Madison, WI- 53703


Agency: Department of Health Services
Contact: Amanda Bates

EMS Advisory Board – Day 1
June 14, 2022
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
In-Person at DHS at 1 West Wilson, Room 751 or
ZOOM Link: https://dhswi.zoomgov.com/j/1611208601?pwd=SjI5WVVCeVR0UGJXWmpSZG40MGVwdz09
Or (669) 254-5252, meeting ID: 161 120 8601, Passcode: 826404
EMS-C will meet by virtual only from 1-4pm, zoom information listed with their agenda below.
1. Welcome and Board Member Check-in
2. Call the EMS Board Meeting to Order
3. Board Member announcement(s) and review of committee meeting logistics. Committee Meetings will occur in succession, in the order listed below, with a 10-minute break between Standing Committee Workgroup Sessions.
4. Standing EMS Committee - System Quality & Data (Chris Eberlein, Chair)
a. Roll Call of Committee Members & Introductions
b. Approval of Previous Committee Meeting Minutes
c. Public comment opportunity to Committee (2 minutes per attendee unless pre-authorized by Chair)
d. Data review: (Will Koehne) General Overview of EMS call volumes, additionally: Opiate, Mental Health, COVID, Trauma, STEMI, and Stroke. Run time comparison and unit utilization over time. Impact of COVID19 on call volume. Narcan and Ventilatory pre-arrival data. PTA fields in Wards for Narcan. Equity Social determinants of health data discussion.
e. Biospatial Update:
f. Wards Training: (Office)
g. DOC Data: (Megan Jones, PHD)
h. OD Alerts Surveillance System Updates: (Koehne)
i. Public Information Discussion (Eberlein): Opiate, Narcan, Trauma, Stroke and STEMI data. Mental health transports. COVID19 updates on Dashboard discussion.
j. Data Collection and Sharing, interoperability Solutions: ET3 data elements alternative destination data. Nemsis fields for ET3 integrated into WARDS update next meeting. Pediatric Weight in WARDS.
k. WARDS Update, Compliance, and discussion (Schultz): Review Validation rules as a needed for Office. Image trend improvement discussion. Review state medication lists, procedure lists, PMH, allergies, meds. Update for change of scope reflection in WARDS.
l. EMS Subcommittee for EMS system stress (Schultz)
m. WARDS Patient Tracking and heat maps discussion. QA with AI discussion (Office/Eberlein)
n. CQI Project update (Rybczyk): Subcommittee meeting updates and benchmarks.
o. CARES WISCONSIN update: introduction of new staff (Office)
p. Cardiac Arrest Registry Funding update (Office)
q. Mission Statement Discussion: (Eberlein) “Provide high quality Emergency Medical Services Data for supporting best practices in EMS including documentation, clinical practice and Quality improvement.”
r. State EMS Plan 2-year and 5-year objectives: (Eberlein)
s. New Business
t. Adjourn
5. Standing EMS Committee – Education & Training (Brian Litza/Chair)
a. Welcome and introductions of members.
b. Approve the minutes from previous committee meeting(s).
c. Public comments or suggestions from the audience on items related to the Committee.
d. Updates and Discussion from/with the WTCS (Tim Weir).
e. Updates and Discussion from/with the EMS Training Center Advisory Council (Rick Anderson).
f. Updates and Discussion from/with the WI EMS Office on EMS Education and Training (Helen Pullen).
g. DHS 110 Discussion
h. State EMS Plan Ideas
i. 2022 Scope of Practice Discussion
j. Curricula Update/Discussion
k. Education Equity and Inclusion
l. COVID Considerations
m. Future Agenda Items
n. Adjourn
12:00-1:00 Lunch (Approximately)
(A quorum of Board members may be present; However, Board business
will not be discussed or conducted at this time.)
6. Standing EMS Committee – System Management & Development (Dr. Clark/Chair)
a. Roll Call of Committee Members
b. Approval of March 1 and May 5, 2022 Committee Meeting Minutes
c. Public comment opportunity to Committee (2 minutes per attendee unless pre-authorized by Chair)
d. COVID-19 Response
a. Discuss with possible Committee recommendation ongoing issues/gaps/best practices of COVID response
e. Discuss with possible Committee recommendations related to EMS-Hospital Diversions (Clark/Colella)
f. Discuss with possible Committee recommendation Medical Equipment Standards to serve as replacement for list currently in Trans 309 (Clark)
g. Discuss with possible Committee recommendation in regard to updates to State EMS MCI Plan and development of sample policy [110.35(2)(e)] (Clark)
h. Office Update Items
a. Update related to Statewide Protocols Project (Colella)
b. Discuss State EMS Office EMS Practitioner Turnover Survey (Bates/Godin)
c. Updates from WI State Inter-Op Communications Committees (Kimlicka)
i. Discuss with possible Committee recommendations for the Committee Mission Statement (Clark)
j. Discussion Ambulance services billing for SCT / CCP in relation to state scope of practice
k. Discuss with possible Committee recommendation Revised Trauma Triage Guidelines
l. Discuss and develop future business items
a. Update from Critical Care/Interfacility Transport Guidelines (Clark) -Tabled due to COVID-19 response
m. Adjourn
7. Standing EMS Committee – Physician’s Advisory Committee (PAC) (Dr. Steven Zils/Chair)
Technical Note: PAC met on 6/7/22 and the report and action items from that meeting will be discussed and brough forward at the EMS Board Meeting on 6/15/22 by and EMS Board Member Physician.
8. EMS for Children Meeting with the EMS Board (Dr. Kim/Dr. Browne/Chair) (meets 1-4pm)
ZOOM: https://chwi.zoom.us/j/5751225490?pwd=dFhCWWwvdjRoNktmaDRBSHJrWCtzdz09, passcode 6654
a. Roll call of Committee members (Browne, Kim)
b. Approval of Committee meeting minutes (Browne, Kim)
c. Public comment opportunity to committee (Browne, Kim)
d. Updates from State Trauma Advisory Council, EMS Board and Subcommittees (Browne, Kim)
e. Discuss EMSC Performance Measures (Browne, Kim)
f. Discuss State EMS Plan (Browne, Kim)
g. Discuss EMS Section data projects – Pediatric EMS Data Report Discussion and Pediatric EMS Data Report Discussion and Statewide Pediatric EMS Continuous Quality Improvement Project (Browne, Kim)
h. Discuss Advancing Healthier Wisconsin Pediatric Readiness Grant (Browne, Kim)
i. Discuss WI EMSC Rural Expansion Program/Facility Recognition (Browne, Kim)
j. Discuss education and outreach (Browne, Kim)
k. Discuss Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator updates (Selwitschka, Browne, Kim)
l. Discuss emergency planning for children with special healthcare needs (Farrell)
m. Discuss EIIC Telehealth Collaborative (Farrell)
n. Discuss Pediatric Certification Courses (Browne, Kim)
o. Discuss and develop future new business (Browne, Kim)
p. Adjourn committee
9. Standing EMS Committee – Human Relations Committee - HRC (Chris Eberlein/Jerry Biggart)
a. Roll Call of Committee Members & Introductions
b. Approval of Previous Committee Meeting Minutes
c. Public comment opportunity to Committee (2 minutes per attendee unless pre-authorized by Chair)
d. Future HRC Meeting Plans
e. Create a mission and vision statement for the HRC (High Priority)
i. What is the value of the HRC to the EMS Board, Providers, and the State?
i. Recruitment & Retention
ii. Educational Equity
iii. Generational Differences
iv. Continuing Education Opportunities for Provider Relationships and Patients
v. Continue to Support and Advance the Significance of “Just Culture” in EMS
vi. Etc.
f. 2- and 5-year Plan and Goals for the Committee
g. Value of a survey to providers regarding human relations issues, goals for agencies as it relates to their providers and patients/community
i. If deemed valuable, plan for creation and goal for dissemination in coordination with EMS Board and EMS Section.
h. Review/Request Data Regarding Workforce Data, EMS Student Data, and Patient Populations
i. How can EMS Section/DHS/WTCS assist?
ii. Is Biospatial a tool for consideration in the objective
iii. Is there an avenue to search for useful hospital data that assists in the objective?
iv. Consider feasibility of creating a Dashboard for the HRC Committee
i. Discuss and develop future new business (Browne, Kim)
j. Adjourn committee
10. Recess Board Meeting until 09:00 on June 15, 2022
(Technical Note: Should time not allow for all Committee agenda items assigned to 07/14/2022, the EMS Board may address them on 07/15/2025 during committee reports.)
The purpose of this meeting is to conduct the governmental business outlined in the agenda. The EMS Board makes recommendations to DHS on general EMS issues either assigned by legislation or raised by members of the public. Medical issues are referred to the Physician Advisory Committee. EMS Board and Physician Advisory Committee are established pursuant to s. 256.04, Wis. Stats.
DHS is an equal opportunity employer and service provider. If you need accommodations because of a disability, if you need an interpreter or translator, or if you need this material in another language or in alternate format, you may request assistance to participate by contacting Amanda Bates at 608-261-6870 or Amanda.Bates@dhs.wisconsin.gov.

Americans with Disabilities Act Statement

Reasonable accommodations, including the provision of informational material in an alternative format, will be provided for qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. This agency, to the maximum extent possible, holds all meetings in facilities that are physically accessible to persons with disabilities.  For questions about accessibility, contact the meeting's sponsoring division.