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Meeting Documents

Wisconsin Agricultural Education and Workforce Development Council - Quarter 4 Committee Meeting

11/13/2023 01:00 PM - 11 /13/2023 05:00 PM

Hybrid Meeting (In-Person and on Microsoft Teams Meeting), Milwaukee, WI- 53224


Agency: Department of Workforce Development
Contact: Arielle Exner

Meeting Location: Milwaukee Vincent High School of Agricultural Sciences, 7501 N Granville Rd. Milwaukee, WI 53224


Meeting Link: Click here to join the meeting     Meeting ID: 224 682 703 35     Passcode: bZZDbD




  1. Call to Order and Welcome


Greg Cisewski,

Interim Council Chair


  1. Roll Call




  1. Review Meeting Agenda




  1. Presentation: Milwaukee Vincent High School of Ag Sciences


  1. Tour of the School (virtual attendees return at 2:30 PM)


  1. Review and Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
    1. Sept. 5, 2023


Monica Gahan


Monica Gahan



  1. Secretary Updates


Secretary Amy Pechacek, DWD

Secretary Randy Romanski, DATCP


  1. WAEWDC SFY2023 Annual Report Update
    1. Officially submitted on Sept. 28, 2023


Arielle Exner


  1. Discuss Council Vacancies & Appointment Authority
    1. Legislative Appointments
      1. Chair of one Assembly Standing Education Committee – Wis. Stat. § 15.227(15)(a)9.
      2. Chair of one Assembly Standing Agriculture Committee – Wis. Stat. § 15.227(15)(a)10.
    2. Upcoming Vacancies
    3. Membership representation (categories)


  1. Subcommittee Updates
    1. Discussion about subcommittee goals
      1. Strategic Planning
      2. Youth Engagement/Fundraising Programs












  1. Discuss Expanding Council Membership to Include Youth


  1. Discuss an Agricultural Career Video Series


  1. Discuss Developing or Supporting Scholarship Programs for Agricultural Education


  1. WAEWDC 2024 Meetings and Executive Officers Election Discussion
    1. Discussion about setting quarterly meeting dates
    2. Pending Exec. Committee: Discussion about member attendance at meetings
    3. Discussion about meeting format (hybrid/virtual)
    4. Council Chair
    5. Vice Chair
    6. Council Secretary







  1. Other Business




  1. Adjourn




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