EMS Advisory Board
Physician Advisory Committee
June 7th, 2022
1:00pm – 4:00pm
Zoom meeting: https://aahorg.zoom.us/j/98281032151?pwd=eGozMlhTZWk4ZzAyc2MrQm8vbU9QQT09&from=addon
a. Roll Call of Committee Members (Zils)
b. Approval of previous Committee Meeting Minutes
c. Public comment opportunity to Committee (2 minutes per attendee unless pre-authorized by Chair)
d. EMS Office Report (Bates)
e. State Medical Director Report (Colella)
i. Discussion, review and possible action on State Medical Director questions
1. 911 EMS Encounters with patient’s on LVAD—do we need this added to skills? What about other medical devices encountered by EMS?
2. Nasal tampon device for epistaxis
3. Does giving a vaccine require the EMR/EMS Practitioner to file an ePCR?
4. Racemic epi/epi/”other short acting beta agonists for asthma: need for clarification for EMS responder/practitioner and disease conditions
5. Is a “suction/plunger type device considered a “manual dislodgement technique or require a specific mention?
6. Tracheobronchial suctioning and patients with tracheostomy
7. Patient Side Report-clarifying the end of this practice with the change to 2022 medication scope of practice?
f. Discussion, review and possible action EMS facilitated Medication-Assisted Therapy: Buprenorphine
i. Status of EMS task force (Bates)
ii. Status of buprenorphine pilot programs (Bates)
g. Review and possible action on Community EMS and Community Paramedic Curriculum (Bates) (standing)
h. Discussion, review and possible action on Critical Care Interfacility workgroup (Clark) (standing)
i. Discussion, review and possible action Ketamine utilization (Eberlein, Kronenfeld)
j. Discussion, review and possible action EMS Continuing Education and method to submit training (Bates)
k. Discussion, review and possible action on physicians as credentialed member of an EMS agency. Update on OLC opinion (Kimlicka/Bates)
l. Discussion, review and possible action on revision of DHS110 (Bates)
m. Discussion, review and possible action on EMR, EMT, AEMT, Paramedic scope of practice (Zils) (standing item)
i. Benzodiazepine use at AEMT level (Zemple/Bates)
ii. Expanded POCUS use at Paramedic level (Colella/Bates)
n. Discuss, review and possible action on State Protocols (Colella) (standing item)
o. Discuss, review and possible action on aligning protocols (use of medication groups rather than specific medications) and/or have a statement that allows for local interchange (Kronenfeld)
p. Discuss, review and possible action on PAC Mission Statement (Zils)
q. Discuss, review and possible action on Medical Direction during transport (Zemple)
r. Discuss, review and possible action on Specialty Care Transport (Zemple/Zils)
s. Discuss and develop future new business
t. Adjourn Committee
The purpose of this meeting is to conduct the governmental business outlined in the agenda. The EMS Board and Subcommittees make recommendations to DHS on general EMS issues either assigned by legislation or raised by members of the public. Medical issues are referred to the Physician Advisory Committee. EMS Board and Physician Advisory Committee are established pursuant to s. 256.04, Wis. Stats.
DHS is an equal opportunity employer and service provider. If you need accommodations because of a disability, if you need an interpreter or translator, or if you need this material in another language or in alternate format, you may request assistance to participate by contacting Amanda Bates at 608-266-1568 or Amanda.Bates@dhs.wisconsin.gov.
Reasonable accommodations, including the provision of informational material in an alternative format, will be provided for qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. This agency, to the maximum extent possible, holds all meetings in facilities that are physically accessible to persons with disabilities. For questions about accessibility, contact the meeting's sponsoring division.