Emergency Medical Services Board Physician Advisory Committee Meeting October 15, 2019 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM Via Zoom at https://dhswi.zoom.us/j/916713261 Madison, WI 53713 AGENDA 1. Meeting called to order – Dr. Steven Zils, Chairman 2. Welcome and Committee Member roll-call 3. Approval of September 3, 2019 meeting minutes 4. Public comment opportunity to committee 5. Discussion, review and possible action on Interfacility Transfer Guidelines - Dr. Clark 6. Discussion, review and possible action on State DNR - Dr. Zemple 7. Discussion, review and possible action on EMR scope of practice - Dr. Zils/PAC members 8. Discussion, review and possible action on prehospital ultrasound – Dr. Clark 9. Discussion, review and possible action on Vapotherm to the EMS scope of practice – Dr. Zils 10. Discussion, review, and possible action on Act 97 best practice document – Dr. Marquis 11. Discussion, review and possible action on EMT, AEMT, Paramedic scope of practice - Dr. Zils 12. Discuss and develop future new business 13. Adjourn The purpose of this meeting is to conduct the governmental business outlined in the Agenda. The Physician Advisory Committee makes recommendations to the EMS Board and DHS on general EMS issues either assigned by legislation, referred to the committee, or raised by members of the public. EMS Board and Physician Advisory Committee are established pursuant to s. 256.04, Wis. Stats. DHS is an equal opportunity employer and service provider. If you need accommodations because of a disability, if you need an interpreter or translator, or if you need this material in another language or in alternate format, you may request assistance to participate by contacting Mark Lockhart at 608-266-1568 or Jonathan.Lockhart@dhs.wisconsin.gov. Conference Call: 646-558-8656 Meeting ID: 916713261 or via the web at https://dhswi.zoom.us/j/916713261 .
Reasonable accommodations, including the provision of informational material in an alternative format, will be provided for qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. This agency, to the maximum extent possible, holds all meetings in facilities that are physically accessible to persons with disabilities. For questions about accessibility, contact the meeting's sponsoring division.