EMS Board
December 6th, 2022
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
In-Person at, 1 West Wilson St, Madison, WI, EOC Room 1150F
ZOOM Link: https://dhswi.zoomgov.com/j/1602261043?pwd=SjVUQ3ppODhTZXljajNHTnFNemd0dz09
Dial in: 1 669 254 5252, Meeting ID: 160 226 1043, Passcode: 384552
1. Welcome and Board Member Check-in
2. Call the EMS Board Meeting to Order
3. Board Member announcement(s) and review of committee meeting logistics. Committee Meetings will occur in succession, in the order listed below, with a 10-minute break between Standing Committee Workgroup Sessions. Approximate start and end times are provided for reference. Nonetheless, the meetings will continue in succession, and breaks will be taken between each meeting.
4. EMS for Children Meeting with the EMS Board (Dr. Kim/Dr. Browne/Chair) – Via Zoom @ 09:00-10:00
Zoom Link: https://chwi.zoom.us/j/94879765461?pwd=RUlORkJyMnp6M1dhTDM4cGVoNzhXdz09
Dial-in Number: 312-626-6799 Meeting ID: 948 7976 5461 Passcode: 973180
Note: EMS-C may continue their meeting in a breakout room for items specific to EMS-C where immediate Board feedback is unnecessary.
a. Roll call of Committee members (Browne, Kim)
b. Approval of Committee meeting minutes (Browne, Kim)
c. Public comment opportunity to committee (Browne, Kim)
d. Updates from State Trauma Advisory Council, EMS Board and Subcommittees (Ekenstedt, Selwitschka, Ridings, Pinsoneault)
e. Discuss EMSC Grant Performance Measure - Pediatric Equipment Skills Check (Browne)
f. Discuss statewide continuous quality improvement measures (Kim)
g. Discuss outreach for pre-hospital weight documentation (Kim)
h. Discuss and develop future new business (Browne, Kim)
i. Adjourn committee
5. Standing EMS Committee - System Quality & Data (Chris Eberlein, Chair) @ Approximately 10:10
a. Roll Call of Committee Members & Introductions
b. Approval of Previous Committee Meeting Minutes
c. Public comment opportunity to Committee (2 minutes per attendee unless pre-authorized by Chair)
d. Determine Committee Member as Recording Secretary (Eberlein)
e. Data review: (Will Koehne) General Overview of EMS Data including Biospatial and public information.
f. Data goals/benchmarks discussion: (Koehne, Spigner)
g. Pediatric specific data discussion: (Kim)
h. WARDS Update, Compliance, interoperability updates and general discussion (Rybczyk/Schultz): Review Validation rules as a needed for Office. Image trend improvement discussion. Review state medication lists, procedure lists, PMH, allergies, meds. Update for change of scope reflection in WARDS.
i. EMS Subcommittee for EMS system stress (Schultz)
j. CQI Project update (Rybczyk): Pediatric weight.
k. NEMSIS version 3.5 new data elements discussion (Rybczyk)
l. Gap analysis review (Rybczyk)
m. CARES WISCONSIN update: (Office)
n. New Business
o. Adjourn
6. Standing EMS Committee – Education & Training (Brian Litza/Chair) @ 11:15
a. Welcome and introductions of members.
b. Approve the minutes from previous committee meeting(s).
c. Public comments or suggestions from the audience on items related to the Committee.
d. Updates and Discussion from/with the WTCS (Tim Weir).
e. Updates and Discussion from/with the EMS Training Center Advisory Council (Rick Anderson).
f. Updates and Discussion from/with the WI EMS Office on EMS Education and Training (Amanda bates/Don Kimlicka).
g. Curricula Update/Discussion
h. Education Equity and Inclusion
i. COVID Considerations
j. Future Agenda Items
k. Adjourn
12:00-13:15 (Approximately) Lunch on Your Own (Immediately Following the Systems Quality & Date
Meeting). A quorum of Board members may be present; However, Board business will not be discussed or conducted at this time.
7. Standing EMS Committee – System Management & Development (Chris Anderson, Chair) @13:15
a. Roll Call of Committee Members/Introduction of New Committee Members
b. Approval of Committee Meeting Minutes Since Last Regularly Scheduled Meeting
c. COVID-19 Response
i. Discuss with possible Committee recommendation ongoing issues/gaps/best practices of COVID response
d. Discuss with possible Committee recommendations related to EMS-Hospital Diversions (Clark/Colella)
e. Discuss with possible Committee recommendation Medical Equipment Standards to serve as replacement for list currently in Trans 309 (Anderson)
f. Office Update Items
i. Update on dissemination, promotion and education of National Guidelines for the Field Triage of Injured Patients (Colella)
ii. Update related to Statewide Protocols Project (Colella)
iii. Discuss State EMS Office EMS Practitioner Turnover Survey (Bates)
iv. Updates from WI State Inter-Op Communications Committees (Kimlicka)
g. Discuss and develop future business items
i. EMS preparedness / response to Ebola (consider ASPR guidelines)
ii. Ryan White Act applicability to minor patients
iii. Committee’s role in addressing recruitment/retention/staffing issues
iv. Other recommendations or requests for this committee
v. Update from Critical Care/Interfacility Transport Guidelines (Clark) -Tabled due to COVID-19 response
h. Adjourn
8. Standing EMS Committee – Physician’s Advisory Committee (PAC) (Dr. Steven Zils/Chair) 14:30-16:30 Hours
a. Roll Call of Committee Members & Introductions
b. Approval of Previous Committee Meeting Minutes
c. Public comment opportunity to Committee (2 minutes per attendee unless pre-authorized by Chair)
d. EMS Office Report (Bates)
i. Discussion, review and possible action on revision of DHS110
ii. Emergency rule of ACLS at AEMT
e. State Medical Director Report (Colella)
f. Discussion, review and possible action on EMS Office approved medical director course for medical directors (Zils)
g. Discussion, review and possible action on proposed 2023 Scope of Practice Document with NESEMSO updates
h. Discussion, review and possible action on EMR, EMT, AEMT, Intermediate, Paramedic scope of practice (Zils) (standing item)
i. Racemic epi/epi/other short acting agonists for asthma – need for clarification for EMS responder/practitioner and disease conditions
ii. Expanded POCUS use at Paramedic level (Colella/Bates)
i. Discuss, review and possible action on State Protocols (Colella) (standing item)
j. Discuss, review and possible action on aligning protocols (use of medication groups rather than specific medications) and/or have a statement that allows for local interchange (Kronenfeld)
k. Discuss, review and possible action on Medical Direction during transport (Zemple)
l. Discuss, review and possible action on Specialty Care Transport (Zemple)
m. Discuss, review and possible action on DNR (Zemple)
n. Discuss and develop future new business (Zils)
o. Adjourn committee
9. Recess Board Meeting until 09:00 on December 6th, 2022
(Technical Note: Should time not allow for all Committee agenda items assigned to 12/06/2022, the EMS Board may address them on 12/07/2022 during committee reports.)
The purpose of this meeting is to conduct the governmental business outlined in the Agenda. The EMS Board makes recommendations to DHS on general EMS issues either assigned by legislation or raised by members of the public. Medical issues are referred to the Physician Advisory Committee. EMS Board and Physician Advisory Committee are established pursuant to s. 256.04, Wis. Stats.
DHS is an equal opportunity employer and service provider. If you need accommodations because of a disability, if you need an interpreter or translator, or if you need this material in another language or in alternate format, you may request assistance to participate by contacting Amanda Bates at 608-261-6870 or Amanda.Bates@dhs.wisconsin.gov.
Reasonable accommodations, including the provision of informational material in an alternative format, will be provided for qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. This agency, to the maximum extent possible, holds all meetings in facilities that are physically accessible to persons with disabilities. For questions about accessibility, contact the meeting's sponsoring division.