Medicaid Advisory Committee (MAC)
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
9:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Meeting is available via Zoom: Passcode: 168938
Or via phone: (669) 254 5252 or (646) 828 7666 or (551) 285 1373 or (669) 216 1590 Webinar ID: 161 781 9753
9:00 AM Meeting Call to Order
Laura Waldvogel, Family Health La Clinica, Chairperson
9:00 AM Welcome new members
Laura Waldvogel, Family Health La Clinica, Chairperson
•Introductions and roll call
9:10 AM Meeting Agenda and Minutes
Laura Waldvogel, Family Health La Clinica, Chairperson
•Review agenda
•Review and approve minutes from June 19 meetings
9:15 AM Public Comment
Laura Waldvogel, Family Health La Clinica, Chairperson
If you would like to offer a comment during this period, please identify yourself in the Q&A function at the bottom of the window in Zoom. If there are no public comments, the committee will move on to the next agenda item. Due to time considerations, oral testimony will be limited to three (3) minutes per person. Your microphone will be muted after three (3) minutes.
9:30 AM Updates and Discussion with the Medicaid Director
Bill Hanna, Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Medicaid Director
•Program Administration Updates
oState Plan Amendments, Waivers
oFully Integrated Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (FIDE-SNP) in Wisconsin
Wisconsin Department of Health Services staff
▪What do you view as the most common needs of people who are dual eligible?
▪What is the overall experience for members, families, providers, and other interested parties with Wisconsin’s coverage options for dual eligible individuals?
▪For organizations and providers serving dual eligible individuals, what are the most frequent gaps in care or services that providers struggle to address on behalf of these individuals?
▪How should the state think about expanding FIDE SNP options including by geography or by population?
oQuality Strategy and Managed Care Program Annual Report
▪How well does this plan support access to high-quality health care for members?
▪What should Medicaid understand about how the Quality Strategy and annual performance impact providers, patients, and communities?
10:30 AM Dentistry
Wisconsin Department of Health Services staff
Lori Fierst, member
•What changes has Medicaid implemented to improve access to dental services for Medicaid patients?
•What challenges and opportunities exist to improve dental access and quality?
11:30 AM Wrap Up
Laura Waldvogel, Family Health La Clinica, Chairperson
•Suggested topics for future meetings.
•2024 Meetings: March 6, June 19, September 4, December 4.
•Thank you for your participation!
The purpose of this meeting is to conduct the governmental business outlined in the above agenda. The purpose of the Medicaid Advisory Committee (MAC) is to advise the Medicaid agency on key initiatives that affect Medicaid program administration, policy or services. The MAC provides feedback on specific policies, initiatives and proposed program changes brought forward by the Division of Medicaid Services (DMS). The MAC is governed under 42 CFR 431.12. Committee members include Medicaid enrollees and caregivers of enrollees, health care providers who are familiar with the medical needs of low-income population groups and with the resources available and required for their care, consumer advocates, and the director of the public welfare department or the public health department. The MAC shall act as a liaison for individuals, organizations, and institutions that receive, facilitate or provide Medicaid services. Meetings are open to the public who may offer public comment.
Reasonable accommodations, including the provision of informational material in an alternative format, will be provided for qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. This agency, to the maximum extent possible, holds all meetings in facilities that are physically accessible to persons with disabilities. For questions about accessibility, contact the meeting's sponsoring division.