Wisconsin Statewide Trauma Advisory Council
03/03/2021 01:00 PM - 03 /03/2021 02:30 PM
https://dhswi.zoom.us/j/84588055034?pwd=TXAzdDV Call-in: 312 626 6799; Meeting ID: 845 8805 5034kVHA3cHFyOHVmY0pTR2g5QT09 Meeting ID: 845 8805 5034. Passcode: 299420 , N/A, WI- 53703
Agency: Department of Health Services
Wisconsin Statewide Trauma Advisory Council
March 3rd, 2021
1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
Zoom Meeting
- Introduction of DHS Staff (Informational)
- Pre-Review Questionnaire (PRQ) Discussion and Approval (Discussion/potential vote)
- DHS 118 Go Live on 7/1/2021 (Informational/Discussion)
- APP ATLS Requirements (Discussion)
- Committee Report Outs (Informational)
- Data Management
- Trauma Coordinators
- Performance Improvement
- Classification Review Committee
- RTAC Coordinators
- HERC Advisory Group seeking STAC representative (Informational)
The purpose of this meeting is to conduct the governmental business outlined in the above agenda. The Wisconsin Statewide Trauma Advisory Council is responsible for advising the Wisconsin Department of Health Services on issues related to the development, implementation, and evaluation of the statewide trauma care system. The Statewide Trauma Advisory Council is made up of 13 members who have an interest and expertise in emergency medical services and are appointed by the secretary of the Department of Health Services.
DHS is an equal opportunity employer and service provider. If you need accommodations because of a disability, if you need an interpreter or translator, or if you need this material in another language or in alternate format, you may request assistance to participate by contacting Mandi Walsh at (608) 692-1307 or mandi.walsh@dhs.wisconsin.gov.
Americans with Disabilities Act Statement
Reasonable accommodations, including the provision of informational material in an alternative format, will be provided for qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. This agency, to the maximum extent possible, holds all meetings in facilities that are physically accessible to persons with disabilities. For questions about accessibility, contact the meeting's sponsoring division.