Wisconsin Public Meeting Notices & Minutes

Wisconsin has a rich tradition of open and transparent government. My administration is committed to making government more accessible to you, the citizens of Wisconsin. The goal of this website is to be a centralized location for state agencies to post open meeting notices and meeting minutes in an effort to increase state government transparency.

Public Notices

Meeting Documents

Joint Enforcement Task Force on Misclassification and Payroll Fraud

12/10/2020 09:00 AM - 12 /10/2020 10:30 AM

Webex, Madison, WI- 53703


Agency: Department of Workforce Development
Contact: DWD Communications Office

JOINT ENFORCEMENT TASK FORCE ON MISCLASSIFICATION AND PAYROLL FRAUD AGENDA Thursday, December 10, 2020 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. [https://dwdwi.webex.com/dwdwi/onstage/g.php?MTID=e13e87c9de466107a98cb92bc0a18274f] Virtual Meeting via WebEx 9:00 WebEx Orientation/attendance Welcome from Assistant Deputy Secretary Danielle Williams Status updates from ongoing projects 9:15 Public records training – DWD Chief Legal Counsel Pam McGillivray 9:30 Status update from the Workers Compensation Premium Fraud Workgroup Status update from the Upstream Liability Workgroup 9:40 New Business Registration at DFI – Patti Epstein, Administrator, Division of Corporate and Consumer Services, Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions 10:00 Labor Trafficking in Wisconsin, Cindy Buchko, General Counsel, Construction Business Group (presentation and discussion among task force members) 10:30 Adjourn For press inquiries, including interview requests, please contact the DWD Communications Office: Media Line – 608-266-2722 or E-Mail – DWDSOCommunicationsOffice@dwd.wisconsin.gov

Americans with Disabilities Act Statement

DWD is an equal opportunity employer and service provider.  If you have a disability and need assistance with this information, please dial 7-1-1 for Wisconsin Relay Service. Please call (608) 266-8990 to request information in an alternate format, including translated to another language.