Wisconsin Public Meeting Notices & Minutes

Wisconsin has a rich tradition of open and transparent government. My administration is committed to making government more accessible to you, the citizens of Wisconsin. The goal of this website is to be a centralized location for state agencies to post open meeting notices and meeting minutes in an effort to increase state government transparency.

Public Notices

Public Health Council Meeting

02/02/2024 09:00 AM - 02 /02/2024 01:00 PM

Zoom: https://dhswi.zoomgov.com/j/1618219699?pwd=c2FKWEUrWkkrNjBlRzg2ZEY4NGNVUT09 Meeting ID: 161 821 9699, N/A, WI- 53703


Agency: Department of Health Services
Contact: Aisha Dogbey

PROGRAM/GROUP:   Public Health Council

MEETING TITLE:          Public Health Council Meeting

LOCATION:                 Zoom: https://dhswi.zoomgov.com/j/1618219699?pwd=c2FKWEUrWkkrNjBlRzg2ZEY4NGNVUT09  Meeting ID: 161 821 9699

DATE/ TIME:               Friday, February 2, 2023                    (Time reserved 9:00am – 1:00pm)


Context:  (Purpose, Vision, Mission, Goal):

The primary purpose of the Council is to inform and advise the Governor, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, the Wisconsin State Legislature, and people of Wisconsin on prioritized public health issues important to the needs and wants of the public in a manner that is equitable, inclusive, and responsive to the diversity of the State. This work will include attention and advice on the progress implementing the state’s public health plan and coordination of responses to public health emergencies.

Equity Questions

  • Who is left out by this decision or policy?
  • Who should benefit from this decision or policy? Who benefits from this decision or policy?
  • What groups are burdened by potential inequities resulting from this decision or policy? Where are these groups located?
  • What decisions or policies in other areas impact the effectiveness of this policy in achieving equity? Would this decision or policy impact other decisions or policies being made?
  • Were those most impacted included in the decision making process? If not, why not?

Meeting Facilitator:  Bill Keeton

Meeting Recorder:  Joe Tatar







9:00 – 9:10

(10 Minutes)


  • Roll Call and Public Comment

Bill Keeton, Chair



Dr Gilmore to share

9:10 – 9:15

(5 Minutes)


Bill Keeton, Chair

Action item: vote

  • Transition to new Chair, & elect new Secretary

9:15 – 10:20

(65 Minutes)

SHIP Highlight Community Work: MC4JR Grantees Presentations

Maggie Northrop, Support Staff

LaTonya Hughes, DHS Staff

Lillian Minor, DHS Staff

Mobilizing Communities 4 a Just Response (MC4JR) Grantees present examples of equitable funding at work, as examples of SHIP implementation.


To view additional programs and projects, please view this recording.

10:20 – 10:50

(30 Minutes)

Q&A + Discussion: Are there opportunities to elevate equitable funding?


Maggie Northrop, Support Staff


10:50 –11:00

(10 Minutes)




11:00 – 11:30

(30 Minutes)

Discussion and vote: Adopt an action item related to Social Connectedness & Belonging Presentation

Maggie Northrop, Support Staff

Following the Deep Dive of the SHIP Priority Area Social Connectedness and Belonging, Council Members identified potential action items.


11:30 – 12:15

(45 Minutes)

COVID-19 After Action Report & Recommendations

Jaime Niedermeier, PHEP AC Coordinator

Mary Dorn, PHEP AC Interim Chair

Please review supporting items in Calendar invite

  • Each Council member will have the opportunity to provide a question, advice, or observation following the After Action Report presentation.
  • Vote on recommendations provided by PHEP AC

12:15 – 12:20

(5 Minutes)

Brief Break



12:20 – 12:50

(30 Minutes)

Committee Updates

  • Executive Committee
    • Agenda template
  • JEDI Committee
  • Issues Committee/Public Health Nursing Workgroup
  • PHEP-AC (New Chair)
  • Membership Committee (Charter is being developed, is there additional interest?)
  • In Person Meeting (4/5/2024)

Paula Morgen, Chair

Aisha Dogbey, Support Staff - JEDI Committee

Bob Leischow, Issues Committee Chair

Mary Dorn, PHEP AC Interim Chair

Aisha Dogbey, Support Staff - Membership Committee

Reminder: all Council Members should be engaged in a committee.

12:50 - 12:55pm

(5 Minutes)

Approval of Minutes

  • 12/1 Public Health Council Meeting

Paula Morgen, Chair


12:55 - 1:00pm

(5 Minutes)

Wrap-up and Adjourn

Paula Morgen, Chair

Next meeting will be held in-person on April 5, 2024.



CMO: Chief Medical Officer

DPH: Division of Public Health

DHS: Department of Health Services

JEDI: Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee

MLT: Medical Leadership Team

OPPA: Office of Policy and Practice Alignment

PHAB: Public Health Accreditation Board

PHC: Public Health Council

PHEP AC: Public Health Emergency Preparedness Advisory

SHP: State Health Plan

SHIP: State Health Improvement Plan

WPHA: Wisconsin Public Health Association

WALHDAB: Wisconsin Association of Local Health Departments and Boards

Notes:    The Department of Health Services is an equal opportunity employer and service provider. If you need accommodations because of a disability or need an interpreter or translator, or if you need this material in another language or in an alternate format, you may request assistance to participate by contacting DHSPublicHealthCouncil@wisconsin.gov or Aisha Dogbey at 608-267-7707. You must make your request at least 7 days before the activity.

Americans with Disabilities Act Statement

Reasonable accommodations, including the provision of informational material in an alternative format, will be provided for qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. This agency, to the maximum extent possible, holds all meetings in facilities that are physically accessible to persons with disabilities.  For questions about accessibility, contact the meeting's sponsoring division.