Wisconsin Apprenticeship Advisory Council
05/17/2023 10:00 AM - 05 /17/2023 03:00 PM
201 E. Washington Ave, Madison, WI- 53703
Agency: Department of Workforce Development
Attend the meeting virtually.
Attend via phone only:
Call: 608-571-2209. Code: 217 507 998#
Attend in person.
Department of Workforce Development, Room H103
201 E. Washington Ave, Madison, 53703
*Per item, discussion will occur in the following order: Council discussion; public comment; Council action.
- Call the meeting to order.
- Record attendees.
- Review the roster.
- Old Business
- For action: Approve the minutes.
- Further review of revised state standards by Policy & Standards Subcommittee
- Update on "landscape analysis" for mentorship template via Equal Access & Outreach Subcommittee
- Update on reviewing certified pre-apprenticeship policies via Career Pathways Subcommittee
- Communicating Council, Subcommittee, and State Committee meetings to the public.
- New Business:
- BAS reoccurring correspondence for sponsors and stakeholders
- For action: revisions to Council Bylaws proposed by BAS
Noon: Working Lunch, "K-12 Career and Technical Education Standards Revision" (Karin Smith, DPI)
- Continue discussing Council Bylaws, if needed.
- Youth Apprenticeship Update
- Wisconsin Technical College System Update
- Adjourn.
Americans with Disabilities Act Statement
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