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Wisconsin Public Meeting Notices & Minutes

Wisconsin has a rich tradition of open and transparent government. My administration is committed to making government more accessible to you, the citizens of Wisconsin. The goal of this website is to be a centralized location for state agencies to post open meeting notices and meeting minutes in an effort to increase state government transparency.

Public Notices

Notice of Public Hearing State Assistive Technology Plan (SPAT) for 2024-2026

08/22/2024 10:00 AM - 08 /22/2024 11:00 AM

ZOOM Meeting Link Meeting ID: 161 768 8225 Phone: (669) 254 5252 or (888) 788-0099 Meeting ID: 161 768 8225, N/A, WI- 53703


Agency: Department of Health Services
Contact: Laura Plummer

Notice of Public Hearing
State Assistive Technology Plan (SPAT) for 2024-2026
Consumer Input and Feedback

Notice is hereby given that the State Assistive Technology Advisory Council will hold a public hearing to consider updates for the State Assistive Technology Plan (SPAT) for 2024-2026.
The 21st Century Assistive Technology Act, authorized in December 2022 provides funding to Wisconsin to operate the State Assistive Technology (AT) Program known as WisTech. The State AT Program supports state efforts to improve the provision of assistive technology to individuals with disabilities of all ages through comprehensive, statewide programs that are consumer-responsive. The State AT Program makes assistive technology devices and services more available and accessible to individuals with disabilities, their families, caregivers, service providers, and the community in general. This program also provides education and training for increased print and digital access for individuals with disabilities.
Wisconsin’s State Plan for Assistive Technology (SPAT) 2024-2026
The AT Council is requesting consumer input on Wisconsin’s SPAT 2024-2026, which will be submitted to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living (ACL) by September 30, 2024. The AT Council is accepting feedback from July 22, 2024 through August 23, 2024.
The State Plan for Assistive Technology serves as a blueprint for how these funds are spent and how program activities are conducted. You can review the current SPAT and other relevant information in advance of the public hearing by visiting the AT Council’s State Plan for AT webpage.
August 21, 2024
1:00 P.M. – 2:00 P.M.
August 21, 2024
4:30 P.M. – 5:30 P.M.
August 22, 2024
10:00 A.M. – 11:00 A.M.
ZOOM Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 161 768 8225
Phone: (669) 254 5252 or (888) 788-0099
Meeting ID: 161 768 8225
Public Input and Deadline for Submission
If you are unable to attend the public hearing and would like to provide feedback for the State Plan for Assistive Technology comments can be submitted via:
1. Email:
2. Mail:
State Plan for Assistive Technology Public Comment
1 West Wilson Room 551
Madison, Wisconsin 54703
Feedback must be submitted by 5:00 P.M. Friday, August 23, 2024
Sign language interpreters and CART services will be provided. If you need disability related accommodations, please contact us at If you do not have internet and/or telephone access and need a physical location to provide input please contact WisTech by telephone at 608-514-2513. You must make your request at least 48 hours prior to the public hearing.
Council Contact Information
The Council is administratively attached to the Department of Health Services. If you have AT Advisory Council questions please contact Jim Denham at (608) 237-8104 or by email at If you need an interpreter, alternate formats, or other accommodations to participate, please contact Laura Plummer by phone at 608-514-2513 or by email at

Americans with Disabilities Act Statement

Reasonable accommodations, including the provision of informational material in an alternative format, will be provided for qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. This agency, to the maximum extent possible, holds all meetings in facilities that are physically accessible to persons with disabilities.  For questions about accessibility, contact the meeting's sponsoring division.