Wisconsin Apprenticeship Advisory Council Meeting
11/20/2024 10:00 AM - 11 /20/2024 12:00 PM
201 E Washington Ave, Madison, WI- 53703
Agency: Department of Workforce Development
Join virtually: Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 247 450 130 338 Passcode: XVQy6g
Dial in by phone.
+1 608-571-2209,,262126294# United States, Madison
Phone conference ID: 262 126 294#
Americans with Disabilities Act Statement
DWD is an equal opportunity employer and service provider. If you have a disability and need assistance with this information, please dial 7-1-1 for Wisconsin Relay Service. Please call (608) 267-4411 to request information in an alternate format, including translated to another language.
In person attendance for Council Members, BAS staff and WTCS staff only:
WE Energies Metro North Facility
3100 W. North Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53208
- Call meeting to order
- Welcome from WE Energies Council Member Hollie O'Neill
- Welcome from DWD Secretary Pechacek
- Record attendees
- Review roster
- Review and approve 9/4/2024 meeting minutes
- Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards Biennial Conference Update (Lauren Lonski)
- Department of Labor - Apprenticeship Grants Update (Renee Lushaj)
- Youth Apprenticeship Updates
- BAS Quality Assurance Division (Andrew Kasper)
- BASERS login changes
- Skilled Wage Rate
- CPA update
- Climate and Clean Energy Workforce Inventory (Jenasea Hameister)
- Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards - Staffing Updates
- Updates for the Advisory Council (all items tentative):
- Apprentice Repayment Agreements (Council member Rob Giese)
- Education RA Committee announcement
- Wisconsin Technical College System
- Other Items from the Director or Coucil Members
- Advisory Council 2025 Meeting Dates
- Public Comment (Limited to agenda items)
- Adjourn
Americans with Disabilities Act Statement
DWD is an equal opportunity employer and service provider. If you have a disability and need assistance with this information, please dial 7-1-1 for Wisconsin Relay Service. Please call (608) 266-8990 to request information in an alternate format, including translated to another language.